Creation of the association of legal entities, dedicated to helping people with mental disorders (2017-2018)
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- Published on Wednesday, January 30 2019 08:21
- Hits: 1253
The goal is to create the association of legal entities, consisting of the organizations, dedicated to helping people with mental disorders.
The objectives are: consolidation of the resources of the organizations that have common goals and objectives towards people with mental disorders;
• organization of meetings and trainings with initiative groups and participants of Almaty and Almaty region;
• preparation and implementation of the development strategies of the association of legal entities.
Support for the development of teenagers’ and young people’s potential by inclusive arts practice (2017-2018)
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- Published on Wednesday, January 30 2019 08:19
- Hits: 1272
The Private Charitable Fund “Azamat Aleuety” with the support of the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy has implemented the project Support for the development of teenagers’ and young people’s potential by inclusive arts practice. The main goal of the project includes propaganda and promotion of folk art in the process of building the inclusive community of children, teenagers and young people with normative development and ones with special educational needs.
The service of the development of independent living skills
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- Published on Wednesday, January 30 2019 08:17
- Hits: 1298
Many parents can’t imagine their “overgrown child” with mental disorders and coexistent affections living independently. So they dedicate all their life to take care of such child and to provide him/her with all essential resources. At the same time, the parents, taking care of their child with mental disorders and coexistent affections, don’t have an opportunity to work in a normal way, to spend long time out the house, they don’t have time for themselves, i.e. they come face to face with their problems. It has a negative impact on the child, his parents, senior/junior brothers and sisters, who need the support and help, understanding of the society, as well as improvement of the family atmosphere.