The service of the development of independent living skills
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- Published on Wednesday, January 30 2019 08:17
- Hits: 1299
Many parents can’t imagine their “overgrown child” with mental disorders and coexistent affections living independently. So they dedicate all their life to take care of such child and to provide him/her with all essential resources. At the same time, the parents, taking care of their child with mental disorders and coexistent affections, don’t have an opportunity to work in a normal way, to spend long time out the house, they don’t have time for themselves, i.e. they come face to face with their problems. It has a negative impact on the child, his parents, senior/junior brothers and sisters, who need the support and help, understanding of the society, as well as improvement of the family atmosphere.
The service of the development of independent living skills is focused on the young people over 18 years old with mental disorders and coexistent affections. The participants of this program will have an opportunity to acquire independent living skills by living in the apartment in the residential complex among ordinary people. The apartment is provided free of charge and is equipped by the Fund “Azamat Aleuety”. Staying in the “protected housing”, young people will learn to live independently, outside of the family, they will acquire self-care and independent living skills, and they will improve the skills of social orientation and the skill of making a decision in the situations of vital importance. Social workers, specialists of evaluation of needs and demands, as well as the psychologist and the chief of the program will teach young people independent living skills and will accompany them.
Who can become a participant of the program:
Teenagers and young people with mental disorders and coexistent affections, who are over 18 years old.
We believe that the issues of deinstituanalization of medical and social instituations, provision of alternative services, employment and integration of people with mental disorders are relevant today. Some non-governmental organizations are implementing pilot projects in this direction. They provide information about their activities and achievements in the local and republican mass media and on their websites. But most of the non-governmental organizations provide services for people with mental disorders, try to protect these people’s right and interests in complete isolation from their colleagues in this area, without being aware of their activities.
Therefore, on this stage of organization and development of the civil society in our country it is necessary to:
- attract public attention to the social rehabilitation of people with mental disorders;
- create a network of organizations, providing alternative services of rehabilitation, social adaptation, vocational training, employment and integration in the society of people with mental disorders;
- consolidate forces and resources of the existing organizations for the development of the services alternative to the residential care facilities;
- ensure close collaboration and interaction of the network participants;
- fulfill approbation, discussion and promotion of new technologies and methods of vocational training, socialization and development of the potential of people with mental disorders;
- propose general ideas and initiatives, make suggestions to the authorized state bodies.
The following goals and objectives are set in the proposed project:
The goal of the project is to develop the network of organizations, providing the services, alternative to the services of residential care facilities, of socialization, vocational training, employment and integration in the society of people with mental disorders.
The objectives of the project are:
- deinstituanalization of medical and social instituations, alternative services of rehabilitation, social adaptation, vocational training, employment and integration in the society of people with mental disorders;
- creation of the open online platform (website) to promote the network and describe all the activities of the network participants;
increasing the awareness of people and the professional community of legal, social and economic support, integration in the society and full-on life of people with mental disorders.